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Nothing just happens, you do not just do, there are needs, there are desires, there is an audience, oh, and there is you too. So you think, write, think, sand, stare and tell yourself you think, and sand, and walla, there is.

Writes here in English because that is how it is accepted in the industry;)



Groper Organic

A carbonated drink based on fruit only without sugar. (The video is long and full of explanations, not something I would normally do, but the audience here is an audience that not only needs the content for enjoyment but is also supposed to invest money, so it has more patience for listening.)
I tried to give as much information as possible about the investment and still stay in a good mood :)



Financial management app - no longer an app that only calculates income and expenses, this app knows how to offer investments, compare pensions, build moves forward, etc. I tried to convey confidence but without the heaviness that usually has in economic matters.



fertility project

A group that came to us with a desire for a project to fund egg donation abroad for women after many expensive fertility treatments.
The problem was that they did not agree to be photographed. Until someone thought maybe making a video with animals could be nice.
I wanted it to be touching too...


The price for cowards

A book written by the business mentor Nir Duvdevani.
A book about getting out of our comfort zone into new and better districts for us.

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